Marriage Monday

June 11th, 2013 § Leave a Comment

Do a little dance,
Make a little love,
Get down tonight …

Who says, “Disco sucks?” For the uninitiated, this is KC and the Sunshine Band. And they’re laying down some dynamite marriage advice. Get down tonight! And tomorrow night. Hell, get down as often as you can. Not married yet? You won’t understand – just go to another post or something. If you are married and have been for more than a couple years, then you see me. And if you’ve been married ten+, couple … three kids, not only do you see me, you are me. The libido, the force that was once an unlimited, “bursting the dam” reservoir of pent up readiness is receding. Without seeing it, I wouldn’t have believed it either.

I don’t think it’s all about the libido though. There’s something more to it that makes getting down to it worth the work. Ever wonder why we wear clothing? I do. Yup, could be the sociological evolution influenced by religious and/or other restrictive societal mores. I however tend more toward the belief that we’re all hiding something. And clothing is the physical manifestation. Covering for the body as we cover something goin’ on below.

Despite the fear of being “found out,” being fully seen, it’s exhilarating getting naked with someone. Why do we fight the shame, resist the urge to cover up? My guess is because being seen, fully known is such a big part of receiving love. Unless someone sees us in all our glorious imperfection, and then chooses to embrace us, how do we know we’re loved? Sex is more than procreation. Not just something to alleviate an urge. It’s a dance of love. An opportunity to say, “I see you, all of you and I want you.” So …

Do a little dance
Make a little love
Get down tonight … Yeah, Get down tonight!



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