Fantasy Friday

June 1st, 2013 § Leave a Comment

Don’t do it …

Don’t take that Quarterback in the 1st round. Hey, I don’t care that Rodgers is there at 11. Don’t do it. This year there is a veritable smorgasbord of QBs. What do you like? Pocket passer? Tons. Scrambler? Take your pick. And with this bounty, what you’ll likely get in your draft is the affects of supply and demand. Dudes, very capable dudes will drop to the value rounds, 6th, 7th and below.

The usual suspects: Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, and Drew Brees will be taken by Quarterback lovers. No matter what anyone says, QB lovers are taking the best available in the first or second rounds. In the second tier are guys like Peyton Manning, Matthew Stafford, Matt Ryan. Arguably, right there with those guys are guys like Cam Newton, Robert Griffin III, Colin Kaepernick, Eli Manning, Russell Wilson, and maybe Tony Romo. That’s already twelve QBs. Yeah, Tony Romo isn’t Tom Brady, but which two would you rather have Cam Newton and CJ Spiller or Drew Brees and Vick Ballard? Matthew Stafford and Ray Rice or Aaron Rodgers and Steven Jackson?

My guess is Matt Ryan, Matthew Stafford, Eli Manning and one of those “Read Option” guys are going to be there in the 4th or lower. I also think Roethlisberger, Flacco, Freeman, and Luck have solid years. I’m not doin’ it. I’m going to bide my time and wait for one of these value picks to fall to me in the 7th.

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